Latest version of the Owncloud-client for Slackware x64. This one is build on a Slackware-current-x64 system (build using Qt 4.8.7 and qtkeychain 0.5.0).
Works just fine with NextCloud as well 🙂 .
Enjoy 🙂
WordPress site for Linux and other computernerds
Latest version of the Owncloud-client for Slackware x64. This one is build on a Slackware-current-x64 system (build using Qt 4.8.7 and qtkeychain 0.5.0).
Works just fine with NextCloud as well 🙂 .
Enjoy 🙂
Latest version of the Owncloud-client for Slackware x64. This one is build on a Slackware-current-x64 system (build using Qt 4.8.7 and qtkeychain 0.5.0).
Enjoy 🙂
Update for Slackware x64: latest version of MariaDB 10.0. This package was build on a Slackware 14.1 system. To build this package succesfully on a 14.1 system, you also need to install the jemalloc package.
1. Start by downloading the 2 packages above.
2. Transfer these packages to the server you want to upgrade.
3. First install the jemalloc package:
installpkg jemalloc-3.6.0-x86_64-1.txz
4. Stop the running mysqld service:
/etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld stop
5. backup ALL your databases (make a copy of the entire /var/lib/mysql directory).
cp -a /var/lib/mysql/ /var/lib/mysql-BACKUP
6. Uninstall the MariaDB 5.5.x package (use removepkg or pkgtool).
7. Install the new MariaDB 10.0.25 package:
installpkg mariadb-10.0.25-x86_64-1.txz
8. Make sure /etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld is updated (overwrite the old rc.mysqld with
9. Start the mysqld service:
/etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld start
10. Check if mysqld is running now:
ps aux | grep mysql
11. Run mysql_secure_installation. Maybe this is not really necessary, but it doesn’t hurt to start clean. While you’re at it, you can set a new mysql root password here as well.
12. Run mysql_upgrade (MUST DO):
mysql_upgrade -u root -p
10. Restart the mysql service again (just to be sure).
/etc/rc.d/rc.mysqld restart
11. Now go check your DB’s and applications.
Enjoy 🙂
EDIT 27-Oct-2019: The above procedure is also valid when upgrading from say MariaDB 10.0 to 10.2 or later versions.
Update to version 9.10.3-P4 of the Bind DNS server. This package was build on a Slackware 13.x system, but appears to work equally well on Slackware 14.x x64. You will also need the idnkit package (was needed to build the Bind package anyway).
For Slackware 13.x and 14.x x64:
Enjoy 🙂
Latest version of the Owncloud-client for Slackware x64. This one is build on a Slackware-current-x64 system (build using Qt 4.8.x and qtkeychain 0.5.0). It appears to work just fine on a stock Slackware x64 14.1 as well.
Enjoy 🙂
Update to the latest version of MariaDB 5.5.x. This package was build on a Slackware 13.x system, but appears to work equally well on Slackware 14.1 x64.
For Slackware 13.x and 14.x x64:
Enjoy 🙂
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