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Customize the Default user profile during your Windows 10 OSD



In this article, I will show how you can edit the default user profile, as part of your Windows 10 deployment task. There are multiple methods available to edit the default user profile (GPO’s, logon scripts, copy configured profile over the default profile,…), but my preferred method for modifying the default user experience is to edit the default user profile directly using a script that is run during Windows deployment.
This script can also be run on existing machines. This approach can easily be adjusted to your likings, is easy to perform, and does not require lots of preparation.
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Updated: MC, VTE + xfce4-Terminal


A few updates for Slackware 14.2 x64 (source packages were taken from x64-current):

  • mc, the Midnight Commander
  • xfce4-Terminal, the terminal emulator for the Xfce desktop environment.
  • VTE, a library needed by xfce4-terminal.

Xfce4-Terminal requires a newer version of VTE than the one present in Slackware 14.2. All these packages were compiled on a Slackware 14.2 x64 system.

Downloads are here:


Enjoy 🙂

Updated: XArchiver + Xfburn


A few updates for Slackware 14.2 x64:

  • Xfburn, a GTK-based CD/DVD writing tool
  • Xarchiver, the GTK-based Linux equivalent of Winzip.

Xfburn requires 2 additional libraries, libburn and libisofs.
The Thunar archive plugin complements Xarchiver. It allows you to extract/create archive files straight from Thunar, the XFCE file manager. All these packages were compiled on a Slackware 14.2 x64 system.

Downloads are here:


Enjoy 😉

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